Using counterfeit or non-genuine parts can seem like a quick money-saving measure, but the long-term consequences can cost you a lot more Only genuine Volvo parts can deliver the reliable performance you expect from your Volvo excavator, wheel loader, or hauler. Key reasons why it is best to stick toContinue Reading

 Reducing the risk of catastrophic belt damage. It is estimated that up to 80% of belts that are replaced prematurely are as a result of accidental catastrophic damage. Some regard such damage as impossible to avoid so they use cheap, low-grade ‘sacrificial’ belts. Ironically, the time and money spent onContinue Reading

Doppelmayr Transport Technology GmbH, based in Wolfurt, Austria has announced a cooperation with raise boring specialist Master Drilling Group Ltd, headquartered in Fochville, South Africa. Doppelmayr did not detail the nature of the tie-up but told IM that the main reason for the cooperation was that both companies “see potential in joiningContinue Reading

The global market for quartz has been growing steadily and this trend is set to continue, demanding increasingly high purity levels. This demand comes from different industries, which have varying requirements, so that the most precise mineral sorting is needed. This can be achieved with sensor-based color and laser sortingContinue Reading

Two of the world’s leading underground mining equipment manufacturers have completed the first phase of a collaboration to provide mining companies with more options for expanding automation in the underground environment.  MacLean and Sandvik are working together to improve automation zone interoperability of production and support fleets, with the installationContinue Reading

Morocco’s Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan launched on Monday the construction works of the Casablanca seawater desalination plant, the largest in Africa. The facility, which has an annual production capacity of 300 million m3, will benefit 7.5 million inhabitants. This landmark project shows the importance King Mohammed VI grants toContinue Reading

Water is an essential resource for populations. In the Haute Matsiatra and Amoron’i Mania regions of central Madagascar, managing water presents significant challenges. Conflicts over water use frequently arise among residents sharing the same watersheds. In response, GRET and Agrisud International have joined forces to promote equitable water management throughContinue Reading