Controlling costs and remaining competitive and financially viable are constant challenges for operators of underground hard rock mines. Making intensive use of new technology is the logical starting point for making every aspect of a mine’s daily operations more efficient and cost effective. To support the local market with theseContinue Reading

Normet SmartDrive® is a modular battery electric vehicle (BEV) architecture designed to optimize energy consumption and performance in underground mining and tunneling applications. Normet SmartDrive® equipment enable higher productivity, lower operating costs and most importantly – zero local emissions. The Normet SmartDrive® architecture includes the latest Li-ion battery technology withContinue Reading

For admin related inquiries contact- For editorial contribution contact- For advertising contact- Speak directly to us call – +27 11 568 0710Continue Reading

Africa Mining and Construction Magazine is a premier platform for industry professionals, offering insightful content tailored to the mining and construction sectors. With a focus on Africa, our publication has established itself as a trusted resource, facilitating valuable connections and business growth opportunities for both local and international companies. OurContinue Reading

April-June 2024: This edition features a special focus during DRC Mining Week and Big 5 Construct South Africa, offering an excellent opportunity to showcase your offerings to a diverse readership. July-September 2024: Our third edition will continue to showcase your products and services, with special coverage of ELECTRA MINING inContinue Reading

As part of its ongoing international expansion, Kocho, a provider of cyber security, identity, cloud transformation and managed services, has launched new operations in South Africa with a new office in Cape Town Ricardo Canovi, country leader for South Africa, and George Gergiou, COO, Kocho. (Image source: Kocho) The newContinue Reading

The Federal Government has stressed the need to computerise the nation ‘s mining sector , saying  it will enhance development and efficiency of the sub -sector of the economy. Sensitising primary stakeholders on the adoption of the Electronic Mining Cadastre System, (eMC+), in Ibadan, Director General/ CEO, Nigeria Mining CadastreContinue Reading

SAP Research Pretoria, the South African branch of SAP’s global research centre, has partnered with world-renowned computer science expert, Professor Jose Luis Encarnacao, to bridge the gaps in the uptake of information and communications technologies (ICTs) inherent in the socio-economic fabric of emerging economies in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India,Continue Reading